It is starting to look like spring is coming. The snow is almost gone and the sun has been warm. I am sure we will still get a snow storm or two before it is all over but in my head winter is over and I need to get back to work.
On Friday I had a few hours to go up on the hill and do some burning. There is so much debris from the cutting and the more of it I get cleared up the better the grass will take. As the snow leaves the ground exposed I am reminded of what a disaster area it looks like. I know it will eventually be a beautiful pasture I just need to keep my vision and move ahead. Sometimes the forward progress is slower than I would like but I guess as long as it is always forward I will achieve my goal. I actually won’t be planting the seed until May so I have some time but I know that, with all the other things I have to do, I will be still seem like not enough time. I told myself I will broadcast the seed and fertilized by early May even if all the branches and debris is picked up. The longer I wait to get grass growing the longer it will be until I can get animals up on the hill.