The view out our master bath window!! (very cool)

The boards came for the wide board flooring, I am using rough sawn lumber planed on three sides and face nailing it with cut nails. This is exactly the same way it had been done in the 17 and 18 hundreds. Here it is being stacked inside to let it acclimate to the temperature before laying it down and nailing it.

This is about half the load, all total we got enough to do 2000sq ft (the entire house). I am going to use some for wainscoting in the dinning room and entryway as well.

P&B light and power is on-line!!!!! We made the final connections to the system and we now have power. The first picture is of the inverter which is the piece of equipment that converts the 48VDC power stored in the batteries to 24oVAC power that we use to run the house. The second picture is of the battery bank. The third picture is the screen on the charge controller. The charge controller is the device that regulates the dc voltage coming in from the PV panels. This screen shot is telling me that at that time we were charging at 10.7 amps at 56volts or 600 watts (remember ohms law, volt x amps = watts). The screen is also telling me that at that time we have stored 1700 watts of power in the batteries.