We got about 1 1/2 feet of snow from that storm last month.

Ben and Emma made a pumpkin snow man, I guess it was there way of protesting the snow :-)

Here is Morgan holding the flock on a big patch of clover. Sheep can bloat from eating to much clover at a time so I would have Morgan hold the flock in the clover for an hour or so every day until it was well grazed down. Morgan is a great dog. I tell Paulette I would not have sheep if I had to do it without the help of dogs like Morgan, Midge and Dante.

Here is the Lucy's drive road crew. I fenced the flock along the road I maintain to clear back the brush. When they were done I could get in there and cut out the big trunks. This area is completely
open now.

The ewes would get pretty high on the bushes and the little lambs would wiggle inside and get the leaves the ewes could not. Sorry I don't have an after shot, I will try and post one.

This is a very old orchard that never really used pesticides. I have gotten permission to graze the sheep there. It is a really pretty spot with the apple trees and the sheep laying under them eating drops.
The flock chewed a lot of the old growth down and then I mowed the entire pasture (about 10 acres). The grass came back really nice and I have the ewes back onto it right now (nov 8th).
Another shot of the sheep in the orchard.

I hope everyone is doing well and are all set for winter. I still have plenty of work to do before the snow flies...well flies again. We are really enjoying life up here, this years garden was pretty much a success, the flock is healthy and we will be breeding around 20 ewes this winter so if all goes well we should have around 30 lambs racing around this spring.
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