Sorry I have not posted anything for a while. Like everyone I have been busy trying to get a head start on spring. I have been working at getting all the pieces for building the new barn together before the ground is ready for digging. I have been thinking that I should post something but didn’t think that anyone would be interested in the progress of my building permit or the meeting I had with the concrete “guy”. This morning I found something that I thought would interest people.

Right now my sheep are at Paulette’s place and when I went out to feed the sheep and horses I was greeted by this little girl. The surprise was that this is about 2 months early. I put the ram in with the ewes in the beginning of December. Sheep have an approximately 5 month gestation so I expect lambs around the begging of May, right about the same time the grass really starts to take off. I had bought a couple ewes this fall and put them in with the rest of the girls. After a couple cycles with the ram one of the new ewes did not get marked (the ram has a marking harness on his chest to mark the ewes he has bred. I called the farm where they were from and told them I got a dud. He said we will make things right in the spring. About a month ago Paulette noticed that the ewe looked like she was bagging up (udder developing). I gave the farmer a call and his response was “well a ram jumped the fence a while ago but it was only for a few minutes”. I guess that was all he needed. I thought that was impressive until I heard another shepherds story. She saw the ram jump the gate. It took her about 20 minutes to go back to the house and get the dog. In that 20 minutes she got 12 lambs!!!
I guess spring is finally coming. The snow is leaving fast and the wet ground is starting to dry up in places and their are new lambs.
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