Yesterday I seeded and fertilized the clear-cut. I can’t wait until the grass comes in so I can stop calling it a clear-cut and start calling it a pasture. It is supposed to rain in the next couple days which will work out perfectly. The rain will set the seed down onto the soil and start breaking down the fertilizer/lime so that it is accessible to the seedlings. The tractor broke down 3 times while trying to get it done. I sure need that old piece of junk and I sure am getting tired of spending as much time working on it as using it. I really wonder if the money I put into parts to keep it going would be as much as taking out a loan to get a good used one. Probably not but spending 3 hours in the truck running for parts, and then performing the repairs makes me wonder if I am not being stubborn about making this old machine work. I really do not want a farm that needs equipment to operate. My goal is to manage the pastures with the animals not mowers and fertilizer spreaders. I imagine in the end it will be a compromise of both.
Mack has been a big help. He hauled fertilized bags with his pickup – for those that didn’t know I got Mack an old Mazda 4x4 to use while he is working. He has been working hard hauling brush and getting the open area ready to seed. I am continually impressed with how well he just gets to work and doesn’t complain. I can give him a job and he just does it. I swear if I didn’t tell him “we are done” he would just keep working. I make sure I tell him to take plenty of breaks and I always make sure he has water and food. He is definitely a big help. He did have a little drivers ED experience the other day, notice the shadow UNDER the right froint tire.

Well I suppose that is it for now. The barn foundation is poured and we are backfilling it so the slab can be poured, a few lambs have come since the last post as well.
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