Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Addition

Here are a couple pictures of the new ram. There is a debate over what to name him; he didn’t come with a name. Mack wants it to be Gigantor, Paulette wants it to be Mojo and I think it should be Business Time. I bought him along with a few ewe lambs from Wayne Fields. He has some really nice animals. I was varying happy I made the 2 hour trip. I will put him with the ewes December 1st.

The Barn is still coming along and I am hopping to have the siding up and the roof on by the end of the month. I am not complaining but things go much slower than I would like since I am just a “one man band”. Paulette helps out when she can but she has her hands full behind the scenes keeping everything going. Besides if she ever did manage to get a full sheet of 5/8 plywood up the wind would take her away for sure.

The sheep are doing a nice job chewing down the brush. It is impressive to see the areas they started on and how much grass has filled in. I have come to realize that what I am doing with the sheep, using them to establish a pasture, actually has a name it is called target grazing. I have been doing some reading on it and some people have actually started business using sheep and goats to graze off brush and invasive plants. I have found quite a few resources on it and have made some changes of my method for the better.

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