The cellar hole was dug this weekend and the foundation is being poured this week into next (it does not look like much of a hole since the house is slightly on a hill so we can have a daylight basement). It has been a long process to get ready to build this house, and we still have a long way to go, however it is good to finally be moving ahead. I am working hard to get a roof on the barn so we can get some hay in before winter. The target grazing / pasture project is going well, I am learning a lot about target grazing and I am now able to move and fence the sheep to have a dramatic impact on the unwanted vegetation. I am getting patches of clover and Timothy popping up in different places where I have moved the sheep through. I think in another season the clear-cut will look very different than it does this year. The animals are doing well but I think Paulette's horses are tired of bing in a little paddock for so long.

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